How to Keep Your Pet Safe All Season

A new season brings excitement as well as a host of new health issues with it which may affect your pet. In order to keep your furry pal safe, a few precautions can do you and your furry pal a world of good in ensuring protection all year round. Here are tips that will help you to

Keep Your Pet Safe During All Seasons

Safety Tips for Spring

Keep your pet safe during the spring season with these tips.
  • Be watchful of the hazardous spring-time plants.
  • Keep spring cleaning supplies away from your pet as they are highly toxic.
  • Pollen from trees, grass, weeds, etc can cause allergies so keep your pet indoors or refrain from going to grassy places.

Safety Tips for Summer

Most pets fall sick during the summer season. Here are some tips to shield your mate in summer.
  • Keep your pet hydrated by giving him lots of fluids.
  • Avoid taking them for walks in the hot sun because their paws are sensitive and remember they walk barefoot.
  • Fleas and ticks are in full flow during summer. Make sure to protect your furry friend with flea, tick and heartworm preventatives.
  • Use clean and dry towels to wipe their fur after a bath.

Safety Tips for Autumn

Autumn is a prequel to the winter season and pet owner must make necessary arrangements beforehand. Here are some safety autumn tips that can be useful.
  • As temperatures fall, it is essential to provide your pet with a blanket because they feel cold too.
  • Alter your evening walks because the days get shorter.
  • The colder it gets, the more energy your pet needs to keep itself warm so provide as much food as possible. Not too much though.
  • Again, watch out for the crawly ticks and fleas.

Safety Tips For Winter

The cold winter season is arguably the peak period of pets falling ill. Follow these tips and keep your furry pal safe and secure.
  • Do not trim your pet’s fur during winter. Long furs will keep him warm.
  • Don’t leave your fuzzy pal outside for too long, especially in the evening and night.
  • Feed him more during the cold season.
  • Make sure to wipe your pet’s paws when they come back from outside.
  • Place carpets and other pieces of cloth on the floor because they get stone cold.
  • Regularly change the drinking water.

Years ago James Cromwell once said, “Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life.” Hence, it is our responsibility to care and protect our beloved mates from all the harmful diseases that come and go season after season.


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