5 Natural, Chemical Free Remedies To Get Rid Of Fleas

There is a huge influx of fleas in the summertime which necessitates the requirement of their effective control before they infest your pet and household. Fleas are pestering and once they get into your life, they tend to bog your pet down with persistent itching, scratching, anemia and tapeworm infections. Though there are effective flea and tick treatments like Frontline PlusAdvantage or Revolution available all over the market, some parents like to consider natural alternatives for eliminating these parasites.

Well, there are many natural, home-made remedies that can eliminate flea infestations easily without having to put chemicals in your pet’s system. However, for tick and full-blown flea infestations, you may still need to consider preventatives that keep your dog protected for the entire year.

Pet parents who are interested in trying the natural ways to eliminate fleas, here are some recommendations from our pet specialist that will help you treat your pet effectively and safely.

Get Rid Of Fleas With Natural Remedies

1.     Apple Cider Vinegar

50% Apple Cider Vinegar + 50% Water
Apple Cider Vinegar is a natural flea and tick remover. In fact, it is so powerful a flea repellent that it needs to be diluted with water so it doesn’t have adverse reactions on the dog. When used in its diluted form, apple cider vinegar makes for the most effective topical as well as oral flea treatment. Yes, you heard it right! Apple Cider Vinegar can be used both ways. You can apply the solution to your dog’s skin or mix it in his food as per your preference. However, when this solution is applied topically it also eliminates itchiness and helps to cure flea bites. On the contrary, ingestion of this solution is very effective for heavy infestation.

2.     Lemon

Natural Flea Shampoo – Lemon Juice (1/2 cup) + Water (1.5 cups) + Pet Shampoo (¼ cup)
Natural Flea Spray – Lemon +Water (soaked overnight)
Lemon also acts as a flea repellent. Just squeeze the juice, add some water and a dab of pet shampoo; your normal pet shampoo is now flea shampoo. Lemon can also be used another way round to repel fleas. Steep a few pieces of lemon in water overnight and use the solution the next day as flea spray.

3.     Lavender Oil

Apply Directly
Lavender oil not just smells great but also repels fleas. You can directly apply the oil on the neck or at the base of your pet’s tail. This remedy not only restrains flea bites but also provides a calming effect on your pet.

Coconut Oil

Flea Spray - Coconut Oil + Water OR
Apply Directly
Coconut has lauric acid which makes it an effective flea and tick treatment. Massage this oil onto your dog’s skin and comb his fur.  You will find flea dirt and hidden fleas stuck to the comb as you do that. A flea spray is also a good option. Just mix coconut oil with water and you are ready to head out with your furry kid for a picnic without having to worry about fleas. However, make sure you massage the solution properly throughout his body for the oil to spread evenly.

4.     Cedar Oil

Flea Collar – Cedar Oil (3-6 drops) + water (2-4 tbsp) + normal collar
Add cedar oil and water to the normal collar as per the quantity suggested here and you can easily turn your normal dog collar to a flea collar. Add 5-7 drops of cedar oil and water concoction all over the collar and tie it around your pet’s neck.
Hope you found these remedies useful. Besides going for the natural treatments, it is also important that you ensure your house is flea-free because if there will be eggs and larvae lying around in your house, then no matter what treatment you try, they can mature and infest your pet again. Thus, clean your house regularly and maintain good hygiene to make your pet less attractive to fleas. Also, feed him a healthy diet to boost his immune system.

Vets, however, recommend using treatments for better control of heavy flea and tick infestations for protecting your pet in advance. The choice is yours! You can also consult your vet if you are confused between the given choices.


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