
Showing posts from 2019

5 Natural, Chemical Free Remedies To Get Rid Of Fleas

There is a huge influx of fleas in the summertime which necessitates the requirement of their effective control before they infest your pet and household. Fleas are pestering and once they get into your life, they tend to bog your pet down with persistent itching, scratching, anemia and tapeworm infections. Though there are effective  flea and tick treatments  like  Frontline Plus ,  Advantage  or  Revolution  available all over the market, some parents like to consider natural alternatives for eliminating these parasites. Well, there are many natural, home-made remedies that can eliminate flea infestations easily without having to put chemicals in your pet’s system. However, for tick and full-blown flea infestations, you may still need to consider preventatives that keep your dog protected for the entire year. Pet parents who are interested in trying the natural ways to eliminate fleas, here are some recommendations from our pet special...

How Strong Is A Cat’s Immune System?

Cats fare well when it comes to the juxtaposition of immunity with dogs, however, they can be certainly victimized by the invasion of viruses and bacteria that impair the immunity of the body. This impairment leads to the development of diseases and weak immune system in cats. Here is a brief description of what exactly happens when a pathogen enters the body, what leads to weak immunity in cats and what symptoms the body manifests when the body loses its vitality and strength to fight with foreign invaders. What Is Weak Immunity in Cats? A weakened immune system is the one which is deficient in white blood cells called phagocytes in the body. These phagocytes are essential to the body’s immune system because they carry out a process called phagocytosis. This involves the destruction of foreign antigens through engulfment and digestion by the white blood cells (WBCs). If the numbers of these cells reduce drastically or they do not function properly, this defense mechanism of...