Cat Lover’s Dilemma- Am I ready to own a cat?

Cats command the attention of onlookers wherever they go with their regal predator-like instincts and self-assurance. This is no surprise considering the lineage they share with majestic creatures like Lions and Tigers. At the same time, they are also coy when they wish to be that makes them irresistible in nature. Cat lovers may nurse a secret desire to buy or adopt a new cat who can be feed and cuddled the whole day.  However, there are certain factors that you need to take into consideration before deciding whether you are capable enough of owning your own cat:

Best Guide To Owning A Cat

Financial Burden Involved:

There is significant expenditure involved in meeting the daily needs of a cat-like providing food, cleaning the litter box, scratching post. One also needs to invest in products like flea and tick treatments, flea collars, sprays, wormers to keep him free from parasites like fleas, worms. A first aid kit is also necessary along with toys to keep him entertained throughout the day. It is also necessary to invest in the services of pet sitters who can take care of him/her in case of office tours or personal vacations.

The yearly cost of owning a cat for an average cat parent in the US has been estimated to be close to about $700 which may be further higher or even lower based on the quality/ quantity of the supplies being purchased and expenditure involved in medication. Purchasing food bowls for feeding the cat, a cat carrier and toys for entertainment are expected to cost a minimum sum of $20-100 on a monthly basis.

At the same time, the cost of obtaining the cat also needs to be taken into consideration. If the cat is simply a kitten handed over by the neighbor, then the cost of acquiring him is 0. However, if a cat is being purchased from a vet or registered breeder, then the costs involved may be extremely high depending on the quality of the breed.

The expenditure incurred should be surely considered before taking a decision because an incorrect choice can spoil the lives of both the parties.

•    Time and Lifestyle Compatibility:

Cats are terribly moody animals and can feel frustrated easily if left alone without any companion for interaction. They desire the company as much as possible and require a lot of time to build a relationship with someone unknown to them. It is difficult to take proper care of a cat if you have a hectic work life involving continuous traveling or are a student who has to submit assignments on a regular basis. Your furry friends will be quite insistent on playing with you for exercising their bodies and chasing other animals out in the open which requires regular time and attention.

Cats can get terribly lonely or stressed if left alone for a weekend excursion with friends, which may even regress into panic attacks and behavioral issues.  

    Responsibilities Involved & Potential Damage:

Cats are high-maintenance animals and owning a cat requires its own share of dedication. One has to clean the waste from the litter box and even clean the excreta piled up outside the box. Illnesses may also result in the cat vomiting on the carpet which is further difficult to clean up for someone working in a corporate environment involving long hours at work.  Despite all your love and appreciation, the increased workload may prove to be extremely difficult to juggle. Cats are also extremely mischievous creatures and like having their own share of fun. They won’t think twice before scratching, knocking over your favorite vase on the cupboard or vomiting all over your expensive pashmina carpet. It is important to consider these factors before taking a decision.

On a concluding note, cats are one of the environment’s most prized possessions but with their own needs which need to be taken into account before taking the decision to adopt/own one.


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