Cat Lover’s Dilemma- Am I ready to own a cat?

Cats command the attention of onlookers wherever they go with their regal predator-like instincts and self-assurance. This is no surprise considering the lineage they share with majestic creatures like Lions and Tigers. At the same time, they are also coy when they wish to be that makes them irresistible in nature. Cat lovers may nurse a secret desire to buy or adopt a new cat who can be feed and cuddled the whole day. However, there are certain factors that you need to take into consideration before deciding whether you are capable enough of owning your own cat: Best Guide To Owning A Cat Financial Burden Involved: There is significant expenditure involved in meeting the daily needs of a cat-like providing food, cleaning the litter box, scratching post. One also needs to invest in products like flea and tick treatments , flea collars , sprays, wormers to keep him free from parasites like fleas, worms. A first aid kit is also necessary along with toys to keep him entert...