Important Dog Backyard Safety Measures To Follow

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself” – Josh Billings

The wonderful line is authentic and a hundred percent accurate. Dogs are selfless animals that will shower all their love upon you without even asking. To reciprocate, you can ensure their safety inside the house but also when he is out playing in the yard. Dangers may linger anywhere in the house from the bedding of your furry pal’s room to the front of the porch of your house.

Many of you may be familiar with the term dog proofing. Here, it comes to your rescue and keeping your pooch’s safety at the utmost prior level; here are a few tips to dog proof your backyard:

5 Utmost Important Dog Safety Measures To Follow in The Backyard

1. Boundaries are essential: The first and the foremost step towards ensuring pooch safety in a backyard is to install a dog-friendly fence. A sturdy and an excellent-material fence that is within your budget is a start for creating a boundary. Ensuring that your doggy stays within these safe limits, the fence must be at least 6 feet tall. Regular maintenance of the fence and repairing any holes creaks should be done.

Fence is not necessarily out just around the yard area, if your dog is a swimmer, then you should also put a fence around the swimming pool. Never ever leave your dog unattended when he is near a pool.

2. Careful Gardening: Look out for the plants you are growing in your backyard. There are various plants and flowers that are poisonous for the doggies like tulips and daffodils. Be aware that if any of those are in your yard, you must pluck them out. Better chose dog-friendly plants and flowers. Consult your vet if you are not so aware of plant safety.

3. Lawn mowing: Maintain a habit to trim your lawn on a regular basis as longs shrubs and grasses are a great hideout for ticks, which are a constant fear for furry pals. To keep these pests at bay, it is a good practice to maintain your yard.

4. Dog House or a Shade: You can either build or buy a doghouse for your pooch to take rest in the yard or provide a shady area where he can rest. Along with shade provision, you must also provide him with fresh food and water so he won’t be getting angry and anxious when empty stomach.

5. Cleanliness: Clean the backyard and any furniture of structures you have kept or built there. Keeping the dog’s environment clean will ensure his safety and keep him away from any possible hazards. While performing pesticide or providing fertilizers to the plants, keep your furry pal away from the garden/lawn as it is toxic for them. Clear the contents of trash can daily so your pooch might not jump in it and get himself infected.

Stand by the following quote and you’ll have a secure doggy surrounding always.

Seek Safety
Aim Safety
Follow Safety
Ensure Safety
Teach Safety
Yield Safety


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