Indicative Signs of Heartworm Infestation in Dogs

Regular grooming is not enough to keep your fur in check. As a pet owner, you have to make sure that your pet’s life is as happy, healthy and parasite-free free as possible. There are so many unwanted parasitic hitchhikers waiting for your pet. So, it is always best way to know how to properly protect your pet against parasites. Chances are you have possibly heard about the parasite-derived illness – heartworm. A heartworm infection is a silent killing health problem in dog. In this case, a life-threatening number of worms covers the heart, its nearby vessels and possibly cause heart fail. If you have a dog, you should notice heartworm on time. And, therefore you need to know how can your dogs get heartworm and is your dog at risk or not? Let’s First be Cleared How it Happen: Heartworm is a mosquitoes-born infection. Actually, the heartworm lives in the heart, lungs, and its surrounding blood vessels. Hence, a mosquito feed on an infected pet, it acquires microfilariae and ...