Cool Treats to Help Dogs Beat the Heat

The summer heat is on and the temperature is rising each day. While you might be enjoying the warm days with your pets, they might also feel the heat more than you do due to their fur-covered bodies. Heatstroke is also a major concern for pets in the summer. In order to help your dog beat the heat, you can feed them will cool treats at regular intervals. Here’s a list of cool treats that will help you beat the heat in summer. • Doggie Ice Cream Ice creams are the most conventional treats that you can give to your pets. They will always make them feel good and help them relax. Make sure you don’t feed them dairy ice-cream that we have as they can cause them GI upset. They also have too much sugar. Research online and try to make it yourself. You little hard work will really help your pet relax. • Frozen Kong Stuffing Kong is the best stuffable dog toy that you can give to your pet. If stuffed correctly it can keep your dog busy for hours. ...